Tag: business intelligence

Computer Games Used for Training in Decision Making
A prototype that could be used in computer games or e-learning to help train users in decision making is the focus of a study of researchers at Queen’s University Belfast. The theory is taht by using the game to help players improve their ability recognise and make allowances for their […]

Simplifying Business Measurement
When we attempt to measure the performance of a business we need to understand two things: How the business is defined – the terms we use for various items and attributes The measurement system to be used – Business Terminology and Definitions A business is defined in terms of functional […]

Aligning KPI, Business Rules and Decisions
Many businesses struggle with identifying their key performance indicators, from just performance indicators, and then reducing the number of KPI to those 3-4 that should be the primary focus at a particular time. They also fail to add one critical component to their KPI schedule that makes the difference as […]

Leadership Judgement vs. Rational Decision Making
Making judgement calls is an everyday activity for most leaders. But often, decisions are too complex to rely on gut feel or instinct. They require sufficient information to drive more logic based decisions. We start making judgement decisions from the day we are born, taking in all the environmental, comfort […]

Choice of 3 Simple Responses to the Current Downturn
Since most of you have been bombarded with blog entries and articles on how to survive the tough times, I am going to keep this short and sweet. There are only 3 ways to respond to the current situation: Ignore It, Accept Defeat, or Take Control And the way to take […]

Business Intelligence Bringing Left Brain Innovation Into Play
Over the past few years, innovation was a big part of the strategy in most organizations. This often resulted in various education programs to activate and energize the so-called creative right brain. Business intelligence tools are now bringing the innovation focus to the left side of the brain, the logical […]

The Dangers of Relying on Long-Term Memory in Decision Making
I often get challenged when I suggest that most of us have pretty poor long term recall. Admittedly, I too once believed that about myself – and worse, I still do believe that! And this committed, falsely held opinion is the very essence of why business leaders and decision makers […]

The Great BI Debate
I just finished commenting on a rollicking debate about BI – The Great Debate: Business Intelligence but suggest you click over to read all the comments, as they covered off many of the reasons that I wrote The Logical Organization. I congratulate all on a great debate. All contributors made valid […]

Decision Making in Times of Good Performance
The performance you measure today is a result of the decisions you made in the past. Many organisations mistakenly believe that if the numbers are good, then staying the course is a viable option. Yet the decisions made yesterday were based on yesterdays environment. The business world is littered with […]

The Ten Fundamentals of A Logical Organization
There are ten key elements that contribute to The Logical Organization: Thinking – how people think and the various types of thinking used in business; those which are now redundant, and those we should be embracing for the future Insight – how it transforms knowledge into wisdom Intelligence – the […]