Author: Gail La Grouw

BI May Be Sleep Solution For Executives
Recently BusinessWeek published the 10 top things that keep business leaders awake at night. So naturally, I thought I would offer my view of the top solutions to these problems as they relate to The Logical Organization. Top 8 Sleep-Killers The top eight issues keeping business leaders awake at night […]

Good Decision Making Survey Results
Consulting group McKinsey has released the results of its recent global survey [November 2008] of over 2000 corporate executives on their decision making processes and outcomes. This included questions pertaining to: Decision makers involved Drivers of the decisions Depth of analysis Openness of the discussions Impact of Politics on […]

3 Core Trends of BI in Business
Gartner coined the term BI to refer to analytical desktop tools. Over time the industry views BI as extracting, aggregating and analysing data to provide the right information to the right people at the right time. As a $50b market place growing 15% per annum, customers are finding that BI […]

Using BI To Drive Organizational Transformation
Business Intelligence is well recognised for its ability to optimize both the cost and revenue activities in an organization. What is less recognized is the power of BI as a process transformational tool. By using a Business Intelligence driven design approach, enterprise transformation programs can dramatically increase their chances for […]

BI Supports Sales Process Integrity
There are those who believe that business intelligence driven selling and marketing is leading towards a more depersonalised style of selling – yet in reality, the opposite is true. The old mode of selling was very much a tactical pipeline of script speak designed to lead a prospect into firstly […]

The Great BI Debate
I just finished commenting on a rollicking debate about BI – The Great Debate: Business Intelligence but suggest you click over to read all the comments, as they covered off many of the reasons that I wrote The Logical Organization. I congratulate all on a great debate. All contributors made valid […]

Logical Interpretation – A Subjective Experience
I ran into a very dear friend last night who is an esteemed Doctor of Philosophy and Emeritus Professor. His sphere of expertise has been in theology, most particularly in debunking the theory of evolution. My knowledge in this sphere is such that I would never even consider debating any […]

Wake Up, Change is Happening Now!
There is a common misconception that change is happening faster. Yet in reality, the change signals are often visible on the horizon well before they become visible in mainstream business. Change is like a chameleon that changes as it moves through its own lifecycle: Single Event – It starts with […]

BI Helps Overcome The Dominant Logic
Business Intelligence has many benefits, not directly attributed to the technology. Apart from providing current data and analytical capability, BI tools can help overcome cultural issues such as what Professor Josep Valor, Sabatier of the IESE Business School of Navarra, Spain, describes as the “dominant logic” of a company. According […]

Decision Making in Times of Good Performance
The performance you measure today is a result of the decisions you made in the past. Many organisations mistakenly believe that if the numbers are good, then staying the course is a viable option. Yet the decisions made yesterday were based on yesterdays environment. The business world is littered with […]