Decision Making

The Dangers of Relying on Long-Term Memory in Decision Making
I often get challenged when I suggest that most of us have pretty poor long term recall. Admittedly, I too once believed that about myself – and worse, I still do believe that! And this committed, falsely held opinion is the very essence of why business leaders and decision makers […]

BI May Be Sleep Solution For Executives
Recently BusinessWeek published the 10 top things that keep business leaders awake at night. So naturally, I thought I would offer my view of the top solutions to these problems as they relate to The Logical Organization. Top 8 Sleep-Killers The top eight issues keeping business leaders awake at night […]

Good Decision Making Survey Results
Consulting group McKinsey has released the results of its recent global survey [November 2008] of over 2000 corporate executives on their decision making processes and outcomes. This included questions pertaining to: Decision makers involved Drivers of the decisions Depth of analysis Openness of the discussions Impact of Politics on […]

BI Supports Sales Process Integrity
There are those who believe that business intelligence driven selling and marketing is leading towards a more depersonalised style of selling – yet in reality, the opposite is true. The old mode of selling was very much a tactical pipeline of script speak designed to lead a prospect into firstly […]

BI Helps Overcome The Dominant Logic
Business Intelligence has many benefits, not directly attributed to the technology. Apart from providing current data and analytical capability, BI tools can help overcome cultural issues such as what Professor Josep Valor, Sabatier of the IESE Business School of Navarra, Spain, describes as the “dominant logic” of a company. According […]

Decision Making in Times of Good Performance
The performance you measure today is a result of the decisions you made in the past. Many organisations mistakenly believe that if the numbers are good, then staying the course is a viable option. Yet the decisions made yesterday were based on yesterdays environment. The business world is littered with […]

The Ten Fundamentals of A Logical Organization
There are ten key elements that contribute to The Logical Organization: Thinking – how people think and the various types of thinking used in business; those which are now redundant, and those we should be embracing for the future Insight – how it transforms knowledge into wisdom Intelligence – the […]

Airlines Face Tough Pricing and Payload Decisions
According to a recent report by Wellington Airport operator Infratil, “domestic aircraft flying into Wellington airport were on average three quarters full in July even though there were more seats available”. This comes hot on the tail of other recent announcements by leading NZ airline carrier Air New Zealand that pricing […]

Decision Making in the Logical Organisation
The BI industry talks about decisions but not a lot on the actual decisions. Decision making is often confused with problem solving. Whilst solving problems does typically involve making decisions at some point: Problem Solving = Choosing Issues that require attention + Setting Goals + Designing Suitable Courses of Action […]