Are You Facing LOWER Profitability This Year?
Have You Got REAL Evidence Your Product Meets Your Customers Needs?
Have You Identified ALL Your Markets and EXACTLY What They Want From You?
Are You SPENDING MORE on Advertising For Little Improvement in Sales?
If you are like most business owners, executives and managers, you recognize it is getting harder to understand all the forces on your business, let alone the technology driving it.
Not because you don’t want – but because changes are becoming more rapid and more complex that it is almost impossible to understand all the relationships and how they will affect your business. It is also difficult to find someone to explain all the different elements of BI technology and exactly what value it can add to your business.
That is precisely why ‘The Logical Organization: A Strategic Guide to Driving Corporate Performance Using Business Intelligence’ was written.
It helps to explain the full concept of business intelligence without all the technical gobblygook and tells you exactly why BI is currently the hottest business investment, what you need to know before you invest in it and how to get the most from BI in your organization.
I have been a consultant for over 20 years and worked with CEO’s of major corporations, small business owners and everyone in between. I have worked closely with both the business and IT so am able to translate IT lingo into a language that you, as a business person, can understand.
I also know that those business leaders who do not make the effort to understand business intelligence will find it increasingly difficult to compete against those who do. So I decided to do something constructive to help you.
I recognised that you would want a book that:
- Didn’t waste your time with waffle
- Showed you exactly how BI can be used in your business
- Explained technical elements in business speak
- Would answer all your questions about BI, any time
- Told you exactly what technology you needed, with tips on buying it
- Gave you strategy to ensure your BI program is a success
This is the book that gives you all the advice that a $500/hr consultant will give you – for a fraction of the cost. And it’s with you 24×7.
What’s Inside!
The Logical Organization is divided into four parts to make it easy for you to locate exactly what you are looking for:
Part One – Part Two – Part Three – Part Four – |
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Why You Need It
Business intelligence makes sense. As an ex airline pilot I know the value of being able to quickly gain insight that tells me both what is happening inside my aircraft but also outside. Without it, I wouldn’t be able to get to my destination, know exactly what resources I would need to get there, and how to ensure that I make a healthy profit whilst looking after my passengers needs. Your business is like your aircraft – you need a very clear plan of where you are going and how to get there profitably. If something changes that will affect your plan, you need to know – not tomorrow – not next month – but ANYTIME!
It’s your business radar. You don’t want to have to wade through pages of reports – you want information on your desktop in a way that is as easy to read and determine the impact on your business. Most organisations have survived by making strategic decisions based upon less than valid information and strongly tainted by subjective input.
Whilst this ‘intuitive’ or ‘seat of the pants’ approach to business may have produced reasonable results in previous years, the factors that are now driving the business environment make this approach unsuited to sustainable performance. That’s what business intelligence does for you. It gets your business out of the rut of relying on decision makers that ‘think they know how to get there’ and try to compete in a modern world with outdated perspectives.
Who is it For?
The Logical Organization has been written to help:
- Business Owners
- Executives and Managers
- BI Program Team Members
- IT Managers
- Consultants
- BI Vendors
- Educators and Trainers
The Logical Organization
will guide you through the essentials of business intelligence capability. It is not a technical manual. It is written for the business, with sufficient technical content to help decision makers understand the impact of core corporate technology underpinning their strategic competence.The Logical Organization explains how to bring your business up to the top rank, compete with the best and keep you there. It’s one investment you really CAN afford.The price of this book is a very small investment that could save you tens of thousands of dollars this year alone.
What Readers Have Said About TLO
I had no idea how misaligned my decision making was until I read this book – I am now a dedicated whole brain executive and have a new goal to transform my business into ‘the logical organization’. A must read! Mediamax. Goodreads March, 2009 Excellent tool to have. |
Author: Gail La Grouw
Publisher: Electrosmart
Size: 9.7″ x 7.4″
Pages: 564
Start Building Your BI Competency Now!